As a 3 Green Key rated property, the BEST WESTERN PLUS Chocolate Lake Hotel has taken significant steps to protect the environment.

3 Green Key Eco-Rating Program

The Green Key Eco-Rating Program is a graduated rating system designed to recognize hotels, motels and resorts that are committed to improving their environmental and fiscal performance.

Based on the results of a comprehensive environmental self-assessment, hoteliers are awarded a 1-5 Green Key rating and provided with guidance on how to “unlock” opportunities to reduce environmental impacts and operating costs through reduced utility consumption, employee training, and supply chain management.

The program assesses the 5 main operational areas of a property and covers nine areas of sustainable practices:

Operational Areas

  • Corporate Environmental Management
  • Housekeeping
  • Food & Beverage Operations
  • Conference & Meeting Facilities
  • Engineering

Sustainable Practices

  • Energy conservation
  • Water conservation
  • Solid waste management
  • Hazardous waste management
  • Indoor air quality
  • Community outreach
  • Building infrastructure
  • Land use
  • Environmental Management

Rating Descriptions

3 Green Keys = A hotel that has taken significant steps to protect the environment. Strong environmental programs, best management practices, training programs, and engineering solutions have been implemented which have benefited the environment and the local community.